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  • I view therapy as a collaboration between client and therapist. Building this therapeutic relationship is an important part of the process. 

  • I focus on listening and responding to you with warmth, realness, empathy, and curiosity.

  • I bring therapeutic specialism, and you bring expertise on your experience. I am here to help facilitate your process! 





  • Creativity is a form of communication, and can help explore experiences that can be tricky to put into words. 

  • Creative methods can help access and express emotional states.

  • The act of creating can be satisfying and meaningful - facilitating experiences such as relief, accomplishment and discovery.




The person-centred approach believes that people have an innate drive and capacity to grow and heal, and, nurturing relationships and environments can support this. 


The psychodynamic approach considers how we bring our past experiences to present day relationships and situations, including therapy.  


I bring an understanding of the role of attachment and neurobiology in human development.



These are my values. I strive to continue learning and increasing my capacity to put them into practice.

I consider how an individual’s experience of society affects them, e.g. gender, class, race, sexuality, religion, disability (etc.). I am reflective about how these show up in the therapeutic relationship. 


Please let me know if there’s a way I might be able to help you access therapy. This might include, but isn't limited to, needs related to physical accessibility and communication. 

Background image: black and white line drawing of two femme figures and a dog walking through a rocky, mountainous landscape, with lots of textures and some scrubby plants. 

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